The 2020 "You Can Do This" Challenge
Welcome to The 2020 Challenge. This is going to be a fun group of people. I opened up to all of my Facebook and we have people who don't know each other at all but all know me.... which means you are a diverse group. Some of you I will see almost daily (when I'm done being sheltered in place) and some of you I haven't seen for 30 years. Some of you have never been with me in person but have read old blogs, heard me speak, or have read my books. I'm excited about us getting together to encourage each other.... and for you to meet each other.
Here's how it is going to work.
I will write a blog post each day and you comment on it. I chose the blog intentionally because it means going somewhere besides Facebook and intentionally thinking about this every day. About once a week we will have a Zoom call to hang out and "meet each other" and talk about our progress. The calls will be fun. They won't seem like a support group or a Weight Watchers meeting because .... well just because I lead them and I am way too sarcastic for that kind of thing.
When I post I will be very transparent about everything (kinda how I do things) but expect you to only share what you want to share.
Here are some guidelines of the group.
1). This is a place where we encourage each other a lot and hold each other accountable. You report what you are going to do and then later what you have done. You choose your food plan, you choose your exercise plan, you decide how much you want to lose -- or if that isn't your goal, you choose how you want to change your lifestyle to be healthier. We cheer each other on.
2). This is not a place where we judge each other or disagree about the methods or plans of others. The point is that we all choose our own goals and we push each other to achieve them. I have seen this work multiple times over the years. Things get derailed when I try to set your goals or choose your diet or exercise plan.
3). This is not a place to try and sell some product or meal plan or essential oils or anything else.
So, this post is all about introductions. So tell us who you are and a little bit about you. You don't need to get into the diet or food plan stuff yet.... just introduce yourself to everyone in the comments so we can see who all is here. You can put how you know me if you want, but that's optional.
I'll start. So, I'm Claudia and I'm 56 and have battled with my weight all my life. My son Tony, now 25, said to me, "Geez Mom, you've been on a diet since I was like 5 years old." To which I responded, "Can you imagine how big I would be if I hadn't been? I'd be on My 600 Pound Life!"
I am a mom of 12 adopted kids, the grandma of 9 awesome kids, and a pastor's wife. I have spent the last 20 years working in adoption related fields and currently am a Chief Officer at a Family Service Agency. The majority of the last 25 years I lived in Minnesota but came to Virginia 4 years ago for this position.
I love to work.... it's probably my hobby. I used to write books but now nobody buys them so I'm done doing that. :-). I also used to do a lot of speaking (including standup) but have cut down on that as well. I see myself as being fun and positive and I'm pretty competitive. Not sure how many social skills I currently have after being "sheltered at home" but I hope I am still those things when I get let back out into the real world.
And oh yeah -- I don't proofread. :-)
Ok.... What about you? Tell us whatever you want to about yourself.
My name is Vay Facione. I was Vadean Thompson until I was almost 27, when I married a pastor, who has since left the ministry. From childhood, I have reached out to the least, lost, last, lonely, and left out. That has taken shape in many forms over the years. I've moved 16 times in six states since I graduated college in 1993. I am currently teaching 8th grade direct instruction Language Arts. Direct instruction means I work with kids who have mild to moderate disabilities. Nearly all of my students can handle grade level work, but need extra support because of their documented disability such as ADHD, dyslexia, a physical disability (for example, a student who is deaf in one ear), or a myriad of other issues. I am joining this group because I do better when I am encouraged by peers who are working towards similar goals. I look forward to meeting everyone and working towards a healthier lifestyle.
I'm Brenda. I am a foster/adopt social worker (how I met Claudia) and am now semi-retired. When working, I ate lunch everyday with my team, which was a great way to combat stress of the job, but overall, I gained a lot of weight over the years. Now that life is less stressful and busy, I want to focus on my health and weight. I am super excited about the weekly Zoom meetings! I think that is a nice new twist and I am looking forward to that!
Hi, I'm Loronda. I'm 67 years old and semi retired from both careers. I met Claudia when her husband Bart was my clergy mentor as I went through the ordination process. I am an RN and a clergy person. We also adopted an older child and have some similar journey stories like Bart and Claudia's. I currently do a little pulpit fill when asked and have been adjunct faculty in a College RN program here in MN. Most of the time I enjoy being the mother of 4 - ages 32 to 44, and grandmother of 9 ages 1 to 20. I've been sewing masks until I'm dizzy lately - up to 175 of them now and needing a bit of a break from that.
I've always had to watch my weight but usually could keep it under control until a couple years ago. I think looking back that I was a bit depressed one winter and got in the habit of a lot of unhealthy snacking and very little exercise although I did walk on my treadmill.
I would really like to loose 25 -30 lbs. and this staying inside isn't helping. I look forward to the encouragement and I'm sure a little laughter with Claudia and all of you.
Hi, I'm Katie Menne. I am a wife (almost 22 yrs), a mom (3 kids-16, 14, 11), ordained clergy and a Dir of Spiritual Care. Currently I work 4.5 hours from my family and typically see them each weekend; been doing this since the end of Aug. 2019. My current visit is the first one in 4 weeks, so happy about that. I have had great success in losing weight when I eat well and exercise... I've sucked at that for the last 7 months and have saw my weight increase. I find I eat better during the week and cave into my cravings around my family on the weekend. That's been frustrating. This past month, I've given into stress eating which is also frustrating... But I'm not giving up! With the weather turning better, I am ready to get back outside on my bike and make better for choices.
I love being in a group that offers laughter and support! So looking forward to some fun times and journeying with others!
My name Hi I’m Cherie’. I know Claudia from college, just a few years ago!
I have been on the heavier side most of my life and have really struggled the last 3-4 years. I’m an oral surgery assistant and on my feet all day and pretty active but the weight won’t come off.
I’m married with 2 grown children (Seth is in California and Dori is in Texas, north of Dallas)and 6 grandchildren, ages 18 to 1.
I was hesitant to join as I’m I guess embarrassed and thinking I can do this on my own, but apparently not!!!
I also look forward to the laughter, encouragement and “girlship” in the coming days. Thank you in advance for including me and helping me in this journey ��
Hi, I'm Donna. I'm a single mom to my beautiful 14 year old Isabella. I'm a clinical social worker and manager for the CT Department of Mental Health. I 'met' Claudia through her blogs more than 10 years ago and was drawn to her humor and experience as a fellow adoptive mom, although on a much bigger scale!
Most of my life I was a relatively fit person but the past 10+ years the wheels fell off that bus. I used to say I never lost my baby weight after being paper pregnant for 18 months while adopting my daughter from Guatemala. Now that she's in high school I need to own that its just my bad coping mechanisms and habits. I'm a stress eater and life's been pretty stressful, first the adoption from a country shutting down to international adoption, then I lost both my parents in the next five years. One bad habit leads to another and I now have an extra 150 on my 5'3" self. I'm relatively healthy but that wont last long at this rate and teleworking is setting me up to fail big time! And my asthma and a bad back do slow me down. I need some motivation to stop eating myself out of house and home. Food is my habit and my vice. And the thought of what could happen to Izzy if I get this awful disease with a breathing illness and morbid obesity is making my stress levels skyrocket! I dont care about looks and size but I care a LOT about making sure I stick around for this girl. So, I'm looking forward to a little support, a little fellowship, and a little motivation!
Hi, I'm Carla, and like Cherie', I've known Claudia (and Cherie') since college! I've been happily married for 38 years to my college sweetheart. I have 9 children: 5 daughters by birth and 3 daughters and a son by adoption. I now have 11,(soon to be 12) grandchildren. I work part time for the State of WY at WIC in our town, and babysit some of my grandchildren part time. I have always had to watch my weight, having the most success with the New Life Promise program. I'm not as careful to follow it as I should be. I also try to do intermittent fasting most days, fasting from 7 pm - noon, eating during window of noon to 7. I would like to lose 25 pounds and am looking forward to nicer weather where I can walk more. I am also really looking forward to the friendship, support, accountability and fun of this group! Thank you for including me!
Hi! I am Kirsten and I have know Claudia since her Minnesota days. I have been married to my husband for 22.5 years. I was never anywhere close to a thin child. My bio son had cancer for 5 years starting when he was 5. I gained 30 lbs after son's first year of cancer treatments. We adopted a 4 & 5 year old sisters and I gained 90-100 lbs additional. It is scary to think I remember thinking a size 12 was big compared to all my skinny friends. I then remember going up to a 14, 16, & 18 now. I ordered a size 3XL shirt and so embarrassed carrying so much extra weight. I stress eat. I have tried different weight loss programs and each time only end up loosing a few pounds. I have PCOS and a carry everyone's emotional baggage. I am looking forward to one day having only one chin once again! :)
Hi, I'm Andrea! I work with Claudia at PHFS. I have struggled with my weight since I was about 7 years old. I was about 70 pounds overweight in high school, lost about 35 pounds in my early 20a, gained in back in my late 20s, and lost 37 pounds again in my early 30s (now). For those of you keeping track, that leaves me with about 33 pounds left to lose. THe first 35 (both times) came off pretty easy, but the second half has brought me to a standstill.
I'd certainly like to lose it, but my main priority is overall health, especially given my impressive family history of weight-related illnesses. For me, that means a lot of exercise, limiting carbs, and eating plenty of healthy fats, protein, and vegetables. Glad to be here with you all!
Hi! I am Ann. I trained with Claudia in Minnesota several years back. I am 56 years old (just confirmed the math on that). I am married to my high school sweetheart and we adopted three children. I am the Special Needs Ministry Director and Church Administrator for my church. I also do trainings for the MN Department of Human Services. I have struggled with my weight the majority of my life. I love sweets and comfort food! Last year I joined Jenny Craig just for an easy solution. I lost a lot of weight but found it within 6 months of leaving the program. My mother lives with us as she has MS and is significantly disabled. And my son has significant disabilities. My family has a lot of food issues and so I get frustrated by meal prep. I am excited to have some motivation to work on this again! I have a strong desire to feel better and to have more energy!
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