
Physical, Emotional and Mental steps on my journey towards healthy living on every level

Monday, October 27, 2008

Slight Fall off the Wagon, but Back Up Again

Yeah, it wasn't a good week last week. The travelling and then coming home with a sore back, guests sleeping in the family room where the Wii Fit is located, people over for dinner..... all not a good combination.

The good news is that I did not gain any weight this week and that I'm back on track this morning. Last night I walked with Bart and this morning I was at the Y at 5:20. Did my 40 minute interval workout and came home raring to go for the day.

Hopefully this week I can really start watching what I eat again and get in my workouts and maybe I can start losing like I was before.... I'm tired of the plateau.

But at least i'm not gaining it back which has been my pattern. There is that!


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