Sadie is so cute. She's 14 and she still calls me mommy sometimes. Nobody else has done that in years, but it's sweet. So while we were heading to the Y this morning (
without Kari I must add) she asks me, "Do you like getting up and going to the Y?"
I responded with a "No, not really. But I like not going less."
Confusing her I had to explain. I don't like exercise. Period. And I don't like getting up at the crack of dawn. But I do like how I feel after I go. I explained to her about endorphins, and how important it was for me to get some time to gather my thoughts before I had to deal with the onslaught of teenage hormones, especially during the school year. I told her that I had tons of energy until mid-afternoon if I got up and got moving early in the morning.
I also explained that sometimes I give myself a really hard challenge at the Y -- like going at 4 mph for a solid three minutes and pushing my heart rate up over 160. That way if I can make myself do it, I figure I have conquered one hard thing in the morning and I can conquer anything else that day.
So no, I don't like to get up and go to the Y. But I like what it does for me and how I feel afterwards. And I've gotten to the point now that the days I don't go are sluggish and icky -- thus, I like not going less than I like going.
And, to top it all off, when Kari does go with me we have a great time. We cut up and laugh and talk about serious stuff and do all kinds of interactive things. My friend Jill, who does not blog, mentioned that I am too serious lately in my writing, but it's because I'm overwhelmed, not because I'm not still flippin HILARIOUS. ;-)
Just ask Justin. He's the 20 something kid that works the early shift at the Y three days a week. My kids think I"m joking when I say he thinks I'm hot, but....